Player Rules
A player must not argue or get involved in heated debates in public chat about the following matters:
Server rules.
Player reports or Player bans.
Anything in relation to Server environment.
A player must not discriminate or cause insult or offense to another player in any way.
A player may post any Server-related issues on this Forum. This includes:
Server rules.
Player reports or Player bans.
Anything in relation to Server environment.
A player must not continuously accuse another player of breaking server rules in chat, regardless of whether the accusation is true or not.
A player must not ask a Staff members for items, teleportations, operator status, creative mode, 'fly-mode', or any asset that may be considered unattainable by an ordinary player.
A player who claims to be from a community, company, or website, whether jokingly or truthfully, in order to claim rights to the assets listed in the section above will be banned.
A player must comply with Staff directions regarding Server Rules, and any other means in which the Staff member reasonably believes will help maintain an orderly Server environment.
Any player in violation of this section will be warned, kicked,
or banned depending on the severity of the violation.
Chat Etiquette
A player must chat in English, notwithstanding the occasional foreign word or abbreviated text.
A player must not curse in public chat.
A player must not use any word in public chat that appear to resemble a curse word, including but not limited to:
Censoring letters with symbols;
Omitting letters;
Adding letters;
Spelling the word in reverse;
Combining the word with another;
Spelling the word in a way that, when spoken phonetically, sounds like the original curse word; or
Any combination of the above or any other procedure that the Staff member reasonably believes to be inappropriate.
A player must not play on this Server with an inappropriate username or skin, containing words or attire deemed inappropriate by the rules set forth here.
A player must not continuously rage in public chat.
A player must not bring up words, phrases or a discussion in public chat, regarding any subject matters that the rules set forth here deem to be non-kid-friendly or could incite heated debates, including but not limited to:
Sexual Matters,
Hate Speech,
A player must not spam in public chat, including:
Multiple lines containing full phrases of capital letters.
Full lines of the same letter, number, or symbol.
Multiple lines of the same statement or question.
Any player who spams with more than four lines, or major spam, will be permanently banned.
A player must not spam in private chat to annoy other players.
A player must not advertise another Server in public chat.
A player must not discuss banned players, hacked clients, exploits, Bukkit Servers, or any substantial material related to Servers other than Strictly Vanilla.
Any player in violation of this section will be warned, kicked,
or banned depending on the severity of the violation.
Individual Clients and Players
A player must not hack the server. This includes:
using an alternative client that provides the player with an alternative gaming environment; or
Using any method that is not normally permitted by the parameters of the server.
A player must not exploit Minecraft bugs or glitches to provide him or her with an unjust advantage.
Breaking bedrock;
X-raying; or
ender pearl portal glitching,
Any other methods that are not normally permitted by the established parameters of Minecraft.
A Staff Member who reasonably believes that a player is using an X-Ray modification or resource pack, may ban the player by deeming them to be using an X-Ray modification or texture pack.
A player must not threaten to extort, crash, or threaten to crash or harm the Server in any way.
Any player in violation of this section will be
immediately and permanently banned.
A player must not use any form of automation via hacked clients or external scripting whilst playing on any of our servers.
Using an object to hold down a key (e.g. Roof Running) is accepted.
A player that is suspected of automation will be kicked from the server and the staff will attempt to communicate with the suspected offender.
If No contact is made, the staff will kick the player again. If communication is not established the player may be banned.
Any form of exploitation, glitches, or hacking, scripting will NOT be tolerated. This includes finding ways around limitations set around either spawn or world border.
We expect all players to play fairly, and to not use anything that could give an unfair advantage over other rule-abiding members. Anything that is not listed above does not give you the right to do so.
Again, any player that exploits anything, or abuses
any kind of glitch will be banned. The intention behind
the action is what matters, not the wording.
Any questions concerning what is mentioned above
please post a question on the forms.
The rules set forth here are to keep the server free
of hackers, to keep public chat child/family friendly,
and to keep highly debatable content from cluttering
up public chat, remember most players play video
games to relax and escape real life for a spell.
Allowed Modded Clients by server
A player is allowed to legally use the mods below on our server. Anything else is deemed illegal if caught using or admitted to using. You can be banned depending on the type of mod. If you would like to see something added to this list please make a forum post and we will review the mod.
Optifine / MCPatcher are allowed
Sonic Ether’s Unbelievable Shaders for Minecraft (Forge is required)
Advanced hud -
Batty's Coordinates plus! -
Shulker Box Viewer -
Most texture pack addons that improve visuals/scenery are allowed,
if you are unsure just ask.
Strictly Vanilla is a 100% vanilla server.
We expect our players to play vanilla only,
and not use mods at all.
If you do need to use mods, look up the
ones above, for they are the only ones
allowed on the server.
Staff Guidelines
Staff Rules: Staff must abide by all players rules and in addition the following apply.
Staff matters and questions must be posted in the staff only section of the forums, Discord Staff channel, or in private messages if in the server.
Any public arguments between staff members will cause anyone involved to be demoted.
Public staff altercations are not professional in any form.
Staff members are not allowed to use their powers for personal gain, vendetta or any other reason. Any staff member that does will have their status restored to regular member.
Moderators must obey player rules more strictly than regular players are expected.
Under no circumstances should staff act in rude offensive manner or let anger show in public.
If you cannot solve an issue ask another mod or admin to help you.
As mentioned above, staff members must behave in a mild, professional matter. Failure to do so will result in demotion.
Have fun, and play by the rules.
Warning team: Gold name
Warning team are here to warn regular members of any rule breaches in chat, or world when seeing them. They have the ability to kick players in case they break the rules.
Moderators: Purple name
Moderators are there to enforce rules. They have the ability to view server logs and ban players. Only a limited number can spectate.
Administrators : Red name
Administrators, as the name implies, are the operators of the server. None will use their operator powers against players for either personal gain, or any sort of vendetta. Admins are allowed to teleport to whomever they like but they must NOT teleport players to them or to any other players unless strictly needed to.
Creative mode is only used to either fly or to build on spawn.
Admins have to follow the same rules as the other staff; otherwise the privilege will be taken away as quickly as they received it.
As admins of the server; they will NOT give items, or operator status, to any regular, or new, players. If the latter asks constantly, it is a bannable offense. The player will be either kicked or banned. Any “PlanetMinecraft” wannabes who want to get creative mode in order to “take pictures” will be immediately be trolled into thinking they will get it, but will be banned instead.
Admins can promote players to Donor/WT/Mod status with the approval of the server owner.
If any regular or staff members want to report any issues about any players, be it either staff or non-staff, screenshot everything, and report them in a civil matter on the “Report Players” section of the Forums. If you believe you were wrongfully banned, you can appeal for unban on the Forums as well.
If you were banned for flying, hacking, glitching, advertising or any combination thereof, your ban will NOT be lifted.
Game Play
Since we are a 100% vanilla server, and we do not have any mods or plugins to reduce lag, we ask our players to keep their creations as lag free and server friendly as possible.
Entity Limit is 300 per loaded area; If you see your entity count go over 300 in any section of your base your need to reduce the amount of entities in that area.
Max Entity Cramming game rule is set to 100. This game rule prevents more than 100 entities from occupying a 1x1 area.
Overworld Gold Farms / Nether Portal Gold Farms are banned from use. All gold farms are to be in the Nether.
Combine your chicken and egg farm. You can easily make a chicken farm that you can switch from collecting cooked/raw chicken to collecting eggs with the flip of a lever, and once you have 20-30 seeders feeding the dispenser you no longer need to breed chickens.
Cow/Sheep farms when you breed babies kill off just as many adults, give your herd room to move around if they are not in semi-auto cooker design. Again 20 - 30 seeders is more than enough to feed/supply a team of players.
Any type of farms where the entities are constantly flapping/bouncing around in water generates lag and are not server friendly designs.
Pulsing redstone clocks cause lag period. There are many alternatives out there depending on your build. Example; Item elevators that use a comparator dispenser system that only pulses when needed to move items, is more server friendly than one that constantly pulses even when not moving items.
Hoppers generate lag. They are continuously searching the space above them for items to grab. One way to combat this is put something with an inventory on top of the hopper such as a dropper (very cheap to make, and I know most of us have tons of cobble laying around) because if the inventory of the container above the hopper is empty it will not search for items to grab. Another way is to use packed ice and water streams, instead of long hopper chains, to transport items.
Hopper Clocks do not cause a lot of lag unless they are on a short timer and firing a bunch of circuits or pistons. You can also put droppers on top of the hoppers in your hopper clocks to save on some lag and lengthen the time on the clock if it is firing a bunch of pistons.
Donation Declaration
Donating to our server means that you accept the following terms and conditions and agree to abide by the rules of the server, which may be changed, updated and/or altered as needed keep to them current and maintained .
If you do not completely agree with these terms, do not donate.
You are donating your money to help with all server costs with the understanding that you will not be receiving any tangible goods or services in exchange for your donation, only trivial in game perks such as colored names or welcome messages.
Your donation does not exempt you from following the server rules or the consequences of not following the server rules.
ie: You are not entitled to a refund of your donation for breaking server rules and getting banned.
No refunds or chargebacks for any reason. If you do not completely accept these terms do not donate.
Thank you
SV Staff
In addition to our standard rules for the Vanilla and Skyblock servers,
which can be found here, these rules are to provide a friendly environment
on our FTB servers.
As with all of our other servers Raiding, Griefing, and PVP are allowed except in restricted areas such as spawn or mini game areas.
In FTB there are other protected areas such as the shop area, tutorial area, and player claims.
Griefing / Raiding / PVP
Griefing, Raiding, and PVP are allowed outside of protected areas only. There are many powerful items that can be crafted in FTB mod packs, being able to create an item does not give you the right to use any item's power to by-pass protected/claimed areas or initiate pvp inside of protected/claimed areas. This includes but is not limited to: breaking/placing blocks and stealing items where you should not be able to, engaging in pvp where you should not be able to (ie: claims with pvp disabled), moving players while in their claim or server protected areas regardless of distance (ie: using any item to tp them to another dimension or merely a few blocks away), and setting any type of port/tp/home with a command or an item in another players claim without their permission, are all forms of by-passing protections. If you find a way to by-pass any protected/claimed area it is your responsibility to report what you have found to our staff, failure to report this and/or the use of any method to by-pass any protected/claimed area will result in a permanent ban.
In addition, there are other forms of griefing that can also be referred to as harrassment or spam, including but not limited to: spamming TPA requests, spamming in whispers/tells, begging for items, begging someone to let you in/trust you in their claim, loitering around someone's claim that has not /trusted you, or refusing to leave someone's claim when asked. Please remember the golden rule here, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This type of griefing/harassment/spam will not be tolerated and will result in a ban depending on frequency or refusal to stop.
You are responsible for using GriefPrevention to protect your things, if someone griefs/raids you because you did not protect the area, we can not help/reimburse you. Should your things get griefed/raided while they are protected report this to our staff immediately in-game, on discord, or on the forums. Claiming an area after the grief/raid occurs in-order to procure help/reimbursement from staff will result in a permanent ban.
Don't avoid the afk timer, no afk machines of any sort.
Quarries and AOE mining machines/tools that leave huge holes in the landscape are banned from the overworld. Please go to the mining world using the /mining world or /mw command or go to the Deep Dark Dimension to use such items.
Avoid laggy builds, we reserve the right to remove any problematic builds such as quarries/ mob grinders that do not have auto collection systems and are spewing tons of items on the ground or absurd scrap systems for UU-Matter. These are just a couple of examples, the possibilities are nearly limitless. Basic rule of thumb don't over build, build what is sufficient to supply you/your team the materials needed. Building over the top builds just because you can is a hardship on the server and to all those playing here.
Don't over load your player.dat or any chest inventory. Minecraft has a hard coded limit of 32kb, if you overload this data the only fix is to wipe the associated inventory, no items will be refunded or areas rolled back. IE: Don't disassemble your entire base, put it in your ME, put all of your ME stuff in a chest, and then dolly that chest. This is just one example of many possibilities.
Here are a few tips to help keep server lag to a minimum:
Due to the nature of Minecraft, and especially in the case of Modded versions like Feed the Beast (FTB), lag can be created by the things you build. No one likes battling through lag to break a block or walk from one side of their base to the other. Players can help reduce the lag on the server and to those visiting their base by following a few simple practices.
With FTB mod packs comes the ability to spawn and auto kill just about anything you want, there shouldn't be any reason to have high entity counts. Please keep your entity count as low as possible, anything over 300 in a loaded area will be considered excessive and will be culled by an admin if the player refuses to lower the entity count in that area. Don't overload grinders or animal farms, as soon as you have the materials to do so, make sure item drops are being auto collected into your storage and your grinders have on, off, and autokill features. Turn them off when not in use. We have all experienced entity lag in Vanilla Minecraft, the old 900 zombies in an XP farm problem. In FTB mob farms can get out of hand very quickly. Many of them also require resources to run so running them only when needed helps reduce fuel/energy consumption as well as lag. (Clarification of Entities:- Animals, Villagers, Item Frames, Mobs not being auto killed in a Grinder and the Items on the ground not being collected)
Spread out, since you can claim land to protect your base there is no need to cram everything into a small space. Only those Players you /trust can interact with the stuff inside your claims. (Keyword: Inside your claim. Anything outside of your claim is fair game) IE: Do not cram every machine tied into your AE2 autocrafting into one chunk and then build grinders directly above/below that.
Particle Effects and Lighting Updates!? We all love a cool particle effect from a machine doing something. It looks cool we can all agree, but having too many in one place could lead to a problem with lag for players at or visiting your location. Most machines with these effects cause lighting updates which are a huge source of lag in Minecraft.
Following these few simple pointers can help reduce lag at your base and on the server.
$0 / $150
Username | Amount |
_Waifuri_ | 85 |
MossyAbyss | 22 |
FayeChild | 15 |
CoolPapug_95 | 14 |
Stone_Moth | 5 |
kevin00123456 | 4 |
spohcnetroM | 3 |
CoolPapug_96 | 2 |
Item Name | Price |
Just Because | $10.00 |
Get a Rank Change on the Survival Server! | $10.00 |
Get a Rank Change on the Survival Server! | $20.00 |
Big Donations! | $50.00 |
Login Welcome Message! | $5.00 |
Username | Amount |
Bobmcgob | 2680 |
Makarismos | 2443 |
casual_zombie | 1752 |
Zenodron | 1488 |
Valisbourne | 1480 |