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The survival server frequently suffers from notable block lag, well beyond the norm. I suspect that players using alternate accounts to load separate, redstone-heavy chunks and bypass the 300-entity limit causes the issue. I recommend a rule against alts on the server.
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I agree, server lag is consistently bad to the point that something should be done. I've seen players in chat bragging about using alts to bypass entity limits. Multiple players running multiple farms across multiple accounts is causing massive lag. I recomend banning alts.
in my opinion, alts have always been allowed. as long as the entities in a loaded area dont reach 300 it is not an issue. if the farms are separated, then there is no issue as it's only 300 in a loaded area, and no different from another player having an area loaded.
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There's no point to the entity limit if it can be bypassed by alts. What is your solution to the frequent lag spikes on the server? They are almost certainly caused by the alts, as I explained above.
The lag is a real problem, even with very low server pop.
There's no point to the entity limit if it can be bypassed by alts. What is your solution to the frequent lag spikes on the server? They are almost certainly caused by the alts, as I explained above.
The lag is a real problem, even with very low server pop.
I've not heard of this ability, can you describe it in more detail?
To me, alts don't look any different from normal players to the game or moderators. If I notice a player in an area that is over over 300 entitys, I message them & request they fix it/reduce their entities. If they don't respond, I kick them until they do, even ban them if necessary.
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two things.
1. you didnt answer the question. What is your solution to the frequent lag spikes on the server? because they are frequent and they are bad.
2. Using alts bypasses the entity limit by doing the following. 1 player with 3 accounts can now have 900 entities. even if they are seperated that makes 1 indavidual responsible for 3 players worth of banwidth lag. Why even bother with the limit if I can just pay to get around it? The server is pay to win at this point, I can just buy another account and boom i can have 2x the farms 2x the entities and all that, meanwhile the server's performance suffers.
all the server mods i've talked too about the issue now all dance around the issue, probably because they all have alts too and are very much a part of the problem, and so to acknowledge that the server is laggy as a result would mean admitting that there is an issue with what they are doing.
I propose another solution. Amend the entity limit to 300 entities per individual person instead of per account.
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I propose another solution. Amend the entity limit to 300 entities per individual person instead of per account.
This would be almost impossible to enforce on a vanilla server.
You would need either a list of names of players and their alts for moderators to check against which would have to be submitted voluntarily;
or someone with administrative rights to check IPs of players online and compare them. This solution would require a permanent or frequent admin presence checking up on players and also have the ability to make sure players aren't spoofing their IPs.
While at times I agree that lag spikes are more than just a nuisance and as a result the staff often go out of their way to investigate and address the issue (IE: Mods kicking/banning players over the ecap), the unfortunate reality is that poor TPS and lag spikes are an inherent part of playing on a pure vanilla server. Members have been complaining about lag on SV ad nauseum for the better part of 7 years. In the end, they either learn to live with it or move on.
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This has become a bit of a deep-dive for me into the fabric of Java Minecraft - interesting, but doubtful I'll be able to completely formulate my reply quickly.
Long story short, LOTS of things in this version of the game cause lag, and we haven't even started trying to improving on those things. Now I want to go in to every chunk around me and slowly fill in any caves to lower light-level checking, reduce the number of free-spawning entities (apparently different types of entities cause differing amounts of lag, depending on how sophisticated their AI is???), cover EVERY open hopper with droppers, destroy every chest-minecart (and avoid hopper minecarts, which makes me sad since I enjoy small footprint, lossless sugarcane farms), etc, etc, etc.....
*answer still processing*
This has become a bit of a deep-dive for me into the fabric of Java Minecraft - interesting, but doubtful I'll be able to completely formulate my reply quickly.
Long story short, LOTS of things in this version of the game cause lag, and we haven't even started trying to improving on those things. Now I want to go in to every chunk around me and slowly fill in any caves to lower light-level checking, reduce the number of free-spawning entities (apparently different types of entities cause differing amounts of lag, depending on how sophisticated their AI is???), cover EVERY open hopper with droppers, destroy every chest-minecart (and avoid hopper minecarts, which makes me sad since I enjoy small footprint, lossless sugarcane farms), etc, etc, etc.....
Wow Sunny, thats super interesting and love your approach! I had no idea lit up caves used up memory! ..Ok, need to fill them with cobble or something.. though might easier to dig it all out and start again lol
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